Friday, March 12, 2021

Calvert Family Photos Early Twentieth Century

Below you will find Calvert photos from around 1916/17 to 1951.  I believe all of these were kept by Uncle Bill which he gave to my father at some point.  The photo below is especially precious because our great-grandfather, Joseph L. Calvert, is in the photo.  You can also see Martha, Willard and Roy in their much younger days.

Cottage at the Farm/1929 or 1930

First Row:  Joseph L. Calvert, Helen Grace Calvert, Roy L. Calvert, Jr., Roy L. Calvert Sr., Willard R. Calvert
Second Row:  Uncle Harry Calvert, Martha E. Calvert, Mary Jane Calvert, Uncle "K," Roy Klose, Welford Calvert

Here's another precious photo.  Not sure where it was taken.

Thanksgiving, 1951
First Row:  Barbara A. Mallam, Margaret Ann Calvert, Jane Louise Mallam
Second Row:  Joseph K. Calvert (1/2), Roy L. Calvert, Sr., Helen G. Calvert
Third Row:  Jeanetta Calvert, John H. Mallam, Martha E. Mallam
Fourth Row:  Roy L. Calvert, Jr., Willard Rigg Calvert II, Margaret E. Calvert, Willard R. Calvert

Unfortunately I don't see Ralph in the photos I posted today but I will be posting more photos in the coming weeks.  Hope you enjoy them!

Bill and Martha, 1921

Jack Houck, Janet Houck, Bill Calvert, c. 1916?

Bill and Peg's first apartment and Buick


Nancy Calvert Koyzis said...

Does anyone know who the little boy in front of Uncle "K" might be? Is that Ralph?

Nancy Calvert Koyzis said...

I mean in the top photo.

Susan Calvert said...

These are especially nice photos for me. I think the little boy might be my brother Rigg. Love seeing pictures of our grandmother on a happy day with her family around her.

Nancy Calvert Koyzis said...

Glad you like the photos. I doubt it's Rigg, though, as it's 1929/1930. I was wondering if it was Ralph as Roy, Martha and Bill are all in the photo. Be sure to see more photos of Uncle Bill by clicking on "Read more."